100 Years for Cutting the baby out of a pregnant woman in the U.S. – Canadian Law is Absolutely Shameful in Comparison
Posted by Jeff Durham | Posts
“Colorado woman sentenced to 100 years for cutting fetus from stranger’s womb” – The Associated Press 04.29.2016
In Colorado – one of the handful of American States without a fetal homicide law – the woman who cut the unborn baby from the pregnant belly of a another woman with the intention to steal the baby, but ultimately killing it in the process – received 100 year prison term. Mother lived, baby died.
In Canada the same crime would not be more than an aggravated assault against the pregnant woman which would result in at most a handful of years for the perpetrator of such a crime. 14 years max.
Regardless of life – regardless of a woman’s choice to be a mother – regardless of the reality of such an unimaginable violent act – Canada continues to be impotent in dealing with such crimes against women..
The fact is, to appropriately deal with and deter such a crime does not require a country to have a “fetal homicide” law like the ones extremist Joyce Arthur says we must not have – but it DOES need a justice system that is not willfully blind to such a natural truth of a mother and her unborn baby. And Canada, as of today, is not that country.
Cassie and Molly’s Law – the law that will be debated on Monday, May 2nd in the House of Commons – is NOT a fetal homicide law. It is simply a way to pry the eyes of Canadian justice open enough to not let such a disgusting crime go ignored.
How can anyone tolerate such a judicially feeble Canada? What will it take for people to wake up to this injustice? Similar circumstances happening to their own loved ones? When will the choice of a woman and the interest of her family be respected?
When will she be protected with law?
When will those capable of such crimes be held accountable in this country?
Please stand up for these women and their children.