Tashina General was 21 years old and was four months pregnant when her and her unborn baby boy, named Tucker, were murdered in 2008.
The boyfriend, who admitted that he “snapped” and strangled her, said they had been arguing. He hid General’s body temporarily, then removed most of her clothing and buried her. He offered to plead guilty to manslaughter but that plea was rejected by the Crown.
He was convicted and received a sentence of 2nd degree murder which equals no chance of parole for 15 years. Her pregnancy was NOT a factor in sentencing. He has since appealed the conviction – the appeal was granted. A new trial on the charge of second-degree murder was ordered.
At the conclusion of the second trial, he was found guilty of MANSLAUGHTER and walked out of court a free man. He was given credit for time served – less than 9 years in jail!
“We’ve learned the justice system is not one for the families of murdered women – it’s not for any person that’s been murdered. Victims don’t have a voice in the trial and there’s no victim statement until after the conviction.” – Bev Jacobs (Tashina’s cousin)
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