Shannon Deschamps was 3 months pregnant when she was killed on December 11th, 2007. She was four days shy of her thirty-ninth birthday. Her body was found in an ally in Surrey, BC.
She died from manual strangulation. She suffered blunt force trauma to the head, a broken thyroid bone, a fractured thorax and extensive bruising and fingernail marks to her neck.
Her killer received a total of 7 years in prison.
The judge who heard the case stated in his conclusion, “Having regard to the circumstances of this offence, including the fact that the victim was someone with whom you were having a relationship and who was carrying your child, as well as the fact that you were under the influence of alcohol and drugs at the time of the offence, I am satisfied that a just and appropriate sentence is eight years in prison. Taking into account the twelve months you have spent in pre-sentence custody and granting you double credit for that time, the sentence I now impose upon you is one of six years in prison.”
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