Poonam Litt’s disappearance was unsolved for 3 years until the remains of her pregnant body were found in a wooded area of Caledon Ontario in 2012.
Poonam’s sister-in-law stabbed her to death. Poonam’s brother-in-law then helped his wife hide the body, and their father buried her body after it was dumped in the woods.
Poonam was at home holding her two year old child when she was “stabbed in the neck” with box cutters by her sister in law. Her blood-soaked daughter had to be pried from her dead mother’s arms.
Her killer will serve a reduced sentence of 5 years, 6 months and 12 days. Although some headlines state she was sentenced to 12 years in jail, the killer was given credit for her pre-trial custody at a rate of 1.5 days for every day spent in custody prior to the trial. This adds up to less than 10 years in jail in total. It is likely that she will be released on parole even sooner.
Her brother-in-law who dumped her body and attempted to burn it was sentenced to 7 years.
The father who buried her dead pregnant body is yet to be sentenced.
From the news articles reviewed, there is no indication that Poonam’s pregnancy was included as an “aggravating factor” for sentencing. If it was, it was most definitely not a factor that added up to any substantive increase in jail time for those responsible for murdering and disposing of the remains of this woman and her unborn child.
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