Its been seven years since Cassie and Molly’s Law and the time has come to try again…
Bill C-311, or the Violence Against Pregnant Women Act would amend the Criminal Code to ensure that the act of knowingly assaulting a pregnant woman and causing physical or emotional harm are considered aggravating circumstances during the sentencing process.
Whats the same:
MP Cathay Wagantall is championing this effort. She has introduced it in the form of a private members bill. She is the sponsor of the online petition to the House of Commons in Parliament.
Whats different:
It seeks to make a very simple and succinct change. It codifies pregnancy as an aggravating factor in the criminal code. Rather than it being the option of a court, it would become the written standard. Sentences could then better match the crime.
It might seem like a small change, but I believe it to be an important step towards actual reproductive rights as well as respect and dignity for the victims of these crimes.
The bill will see its first hour of debate in parliament this Tuesday, May 9th at 5:30pm.
I will be travelling to Ottawa to support MP Wagantall and participate in the There Were Two banner display on the Parliament Hill grounds.
Stay tuned…
And please remember to sign and share the petition!
I knew Cassie I worked with her . This is devastating please change the bill