Posted by Jeff Durham | Posts
It’s been almost two years since this terrible nightmare began. At least for us…
Somehow, we have to continue pointing at this thing that is terribly and obviously wrong in our criminal justice system just to get our government to take action. We are not the first, yet some of them choose to continue to pretend this is not a problem…
Here are some stats:
-1 in 6 pregnant women are abused during pregnancy (Middlesex-London Health Unit, 2000).
-Women abused during pregnancy were four times as likely as other abused women to report having experienced very serious violence, including being beaten up, choked, threatened with a gun/knife or sexually assaulted. (Health Canada, 2004).
-Of the women who were abused during pregnancy, approximately 18% reported that they had suffered a miscarriage or other internal injuries as a result of the abuse. (Health Canada, 2004.)
But these stats shouldn’t even be needed in this argument. A woman’s choice should simply belong to her. When she makes it, or even if she hasn’t, if someone takes it away – there needs to be a consequence that fully represents the potential of that choice.
But in Canada, these statistics remain ignored.
Many women are killed or hurt for the very fact that they have a life growing inside of them. It is statistically proven that in Canada a woman who is pregnant is far more likely to become a victim of homicide. This is by definition gender based violence. Canadian law remains impotent in addressing this glaring problem. This has been the case for decades.
The Minister for the Status of Woman in Canada needs to take this seriously. The Justice Minster of Canada needs to account for this blatant injustice and violation of a woman’s right to choose. The Prime Minister needs to make a stand for these women – and all women. Another government that spends another four years accomplishing nothing in this regard is not acceptable. Stop playing politics and get real. This is real and every member of parliament needs to treat it as such.