On Sunday we will be setting off to Ottawa to the House of Commons where they will be debating Bill C-225 – Cassie and Molly’s Law.
We have numerous meetings scheduled with MP’s throughout the week. We want them to understand exactly what this law is about. We want them to know, offering ourselves as living testament, exactly what it was that Cassie had chosen. Cassie’s choice was Molly.
Unlike typing a letter to the government, or newspaper, or anyone who will listen (or won’t listen) and posting it electronically – to be able travel costs money.
As anyone can imagine, having to deal with first, an indescribably profound tragedy, followed only by the injustice that our legal system has been designed to allow, it has been difficult – to say the least – on a financial level.
It has been a year and a half since the night that Cassie and our daughter Molly were killed.
The simple fact is there is no money for something like this. There is not insurance – there is not a fund for victims – there is not help from our union. There is nothing but the support of loving family and friends that want to help – without which I would not be able to write this post to you today.
I have no choice but to humbly ask for your help again.
If only half of the people that signed their names to one of the petitions calling for an unborn victims of crime law could donate just one dollar – we would have $10 000 to put towards this effort.
Right now, we just need enough for a week in Ottawa.
In Ottawa we will show the leaders of our country that it is time to acknowledge substantively such grave injustices against these murdered pregnant women of Canada.
A mother and her child deserve the protection of law – and those that bring harm to them deserve to be held accountable for the entire truth.
Please help us be their voice. Please sign our petition. Please contribute a dollar or two to this cause.
Jeff Durham