On Friday February 12th Cassie’s mother Nancy and I have a meeting with the three MP’s that were elected to represent Cassie, our families, and the entire Windsor/Essex County area.
We intend to find out what exactly they are willing to do to address the grave injustice that is occurring not only to our family – OUR CASSIE AND MOLLY – but to the woman across Canada who have ZERO legal protection from having their choices ripped away in acts of violence and then ignored in the court of law.
We want our Members of Parliament to pledge their personal support of a Pre-born Victims of Crime Bill – one that will make it so that a woman’s choice is only ever legally hers.
Violent criminals who hurt pregnant woman should never be allowed to hide in the shadows of legal rights that were only ever meant for the women they hurt or kill.
Will they be Cassie’s voice now that she can no longer speak? Will they stand to defend her choice? Will they speak for Molly? Will they represent our family and take a stand against violence criminals who kill pregnant women?
We will meet with NDP representatives Brian Masse, Tracy Ramsey, and Cheryl Hardcastle. The meeting will take place at the office of Hardcastle – the MP of the constituency where the homicide of Cassandra and Molly occurred in December of 2014.
As of today’s date, all three local MS’s are yet to pledge support for a law that would directly address the issue of violence against women who are pregnant.
If you wish to add your voice to this important cause, whether it be to represent Cassie’s choice, Molly’s life, OR BOTH, please take the time to call or email your local Member of Parliament.
Brian Masse
Phone – 1 519 255-1631
Email – brian.masse@parl.gc.ca
Cheryl Hardcastle
Phone – 1-519-979-2707
Email – Cheryl.Hardcastle@parl.gc.ca
Tracey Ramsey
Phone – 1-519-776-4700
Email – Tracey.Ramsey@parl.gc.ca
MP’s Masse, Ramsey, and Hardcastle.