I really need for people, including our politicians, to know that Cassie was not a victim of domestic abuse or domestic violence. Although I am in agreement that there should be shelters protecting women, especially pregnant women, I believe there should also be laws that protect their rights when they choose to have a baby, just as there are laws to protect them when they choose not to have their child.
Cassie was a victim of a violent crime while she was seven months pregnant. The monster that took my daughter and my granddaughter will only be punished for the crime of murdering Cassie. Molly is insignificant to many. She was not insignificant to Cassie or to us – her family, her friends.
Cassie chose to have her baby, to deliver her into this world and love her and teach her right from wrong, to give her the tools to become a loving and caring person. She chose to love Molly from the very beginning. From the beginning she was a mom. She talked to her, she played music for her.
She introduced her to her Gramma. Molly responded to Cassie’s voice, her laughter, her touch. Molly knew me. She responded to me when I spoke to her. I would lay my head on Cassie’s baby belly and say, “Morning baby girl, Gramma loves you.”
Molly would roll or kick under my head or my hand. If you have ever felt your daughter’s baby move and respond to you, you know that child growing has personality, has a mind of her own already.
Why is it that she won’t be heard through our voices now? Even though we are screaming for the law to change it seems that our voices and hers are falling on deaf ears. Or are they ignorant ears? Please hear our scream!?
We are not asking to change any laws that give a woman rights. We are asking to create a law that will make it a crime for someone to take both of them away. To murder a woman’s child when she chooses to create a family is NOT a crime in our country!
There are so many voices out there that can and should be heard when it comes to this issue. If women choose the right to become pregnant and choose to carry their baby to full term there should be a law protecting THEM. It should prosecute any evildoer that takes BOTH their lives!
I sit in court listening to evidence that is supposed to serve justice to the person accused of murdering my daughter Cassie. I sit there knowing that two of my family members were taken that day. I sit there knowing that justice for one will be overlooked.No one will be punished for taking Molly. It is so wrong. She was my baby girl! Molly was HER baby girl!
Molly WAS Cassie’s choice. There should be a law protecting her choice. Her choice was brutally taken away. Someone is responsible for that. How they not be made to suffer for that? How could someone get away with such a crime? But they WILL! And all we can do is sit and watch!?
CANADA… PLEASE … HOLD SOMEONE ACCOUNTABLE for the TRUTH of such CRIMES AGAINST WOMEN! Cassie and Molly were BY FAR not the first – nor is it likely they will be the last – but we can make damn sure that these murderers are punished, severely.
We suffer severely.
Molly’s Gramma and Cassie’s Mother