Another smattering of dialogue provoked by my post to an article about Justin Trudeau. I don’t expect that these encounters will necessarily help the cause in any great way, but I imagine that the ignorance, contradiction, and fear they show are a relatively accurate sample of the mindset of those opposed to making it illegal for a violent criminal to murder a baby.
As you will see, at times I am upset by the responses. I try to be logical and fair but I am human and have at times given in to the rage of it all. The comments are unedited.
But all in all, of my provocations and postings, there has not been one logical or reasonable argument why there should not be such a law created. Just perpetuated fear and misunderstanding.
People don’t seem to realize that laws are just words that we string together. It is not some kind of magical machine that creates random words that might take away our rights. We can carefully choose those words so that they accomplish exactly what they are supposed to – making it illegal for someone to kill a baby in an act of violence against their mother – something that should absolutely already be a punishable offence. Something that in most other countries is illegal – even the ones with legal abortion. It is insane that it is perfectly legal here.
This is Canada! This is 2015!
Molly and Cassie’s story is exactly why such a law is needed. It needs to be heard. And their’s is not the only story!
It isn’t hard to define the difference between abortion and homicide! Everybody knows the difference but there are those that think as though their rights will be taken away if we do define the difference. Are they saying that they themselves are homicidal maniacs who prey on pregnant woman? I doubt it.
Bill C 484 already did just that and it could never be used against a mother. Yet there were people that irrationally opposed it. I just don’t get it.
The purpose of this posting is to give insight into the reality of this fight.
The order of the comments are how they appeared on Facebook.

You are suggesting that for the “risk of endangering woman’s rights” we have to continue to disregard the choice of one woman? One choice? Her choice and rights should be sacrificed?
One day the country will wake up to the contradiction of the sentiment you regurgitate.
Know that you don’t feel my pain. My daughter was murdered. Know that you don’t feel Cassie’s pain and she can’t speak of it because she is gone. Know that you can be wrong – and you are about this – and while you insist that nothing should change there is a man who not be held accountable for murdering our daughter.
I hope that you never have your rights taken without consequence to the person who took them… But maybe then you would see that fighting for them is not only “worth it,” but it is all you can do.
I don’t know your story, but I am sorry for your loss. And I believe that anyone who caused it, weather it be through malpractice of violence, should be held responsible.

I completely understand where you are coming from and I felt that way too when I lost my son. But, when the anger and hurt start to fade, you might be able to understand where I am coming from too.I hope that her killer gets just punishment even though our system will not provide it. I suspect that he will. May you find peace and love and forgiveness so that you may heal. And try not to take people’s resistance to your cause as a sign that we think she did not matter. She matters, even if we cannot provide direct justice for her. She matters. heart emoticon
Edo Monty –Jeff, seek help. You obviously can’t even tell the difference between a fetus and a baby. This is due to your brainwashing, and YOUR own SELFISH BUBBLE. Abortion is not ‘homicide’. Again, you’re confused due to your brainwashing. Seek help.

PS. I don’t even know what con cult is. Maybe religion and politics? I don’t ascribe to either. I find there are those that put so much credence into such things that they insist that everyone is brainwashed and all the while they are the most brainwashed of them all.

Law and democracy are not perfect. The world is not perfect. But to not correct that imperfection when it is not only possible but reasonable, only serves to perpetuate injustice. I hope you can see that one day.
This is Canada and it is 2015. A woman will always have her choice. This is about making it a crime when someone takes that choice from her. I hope that people like you can wake from their contradiction and decide to protect all woman alike. The choice belongs to her. ONLY HER. We need to make it so that can be true within the eyes of the law.
Molly does matter. And so does Cassie’s choice. And until the legal system acknowledges that, we are left no choice but to pursue the justice we are lacking.
It is not just about punishment. It is about our family. It is about the two of them that were taken.
I think it is sad that you will let one woman’s choice not matter because you see it as a threat to other women’s choices. I think integrity would have you fight to find a way to have every woman’s choice to be protected.