I posted the following question or ones similar to it, into the comment section of many Justin Trudeau news feeds that came across my Facebook page today. I figured if nothing else, there might be someone who looks at the sight or maybe will even sign the petition. Or maybe even on of Trudeau’s people will mention it to him or his wife.
Some people did sign the petition. But most who responded were not nearly as understanding.
I can only explain it to myself in this way: These people can rest easy in the comfort of their complacency. After all, this happened to us, why should it effect them? Its not that they are unable to see it. It is that they wont. It is easiest for them… It is easiest for the criminal justice system that way too. But easy is not right. Not in this case.
In the past year I have lost a lot of faith in the decency of humanity. Today is no different.
I have lost faith in “justice”. I can tell you from here there is really no such thing. It is an illusion that can never be had. But that doesn’t mean that we cannot try on our own to come as close to it as possible. And I will try.
This is my comment and the dialog that ensued on an article about Justin Trudeau that showed pictures of him holding babies and with his family and other general “good guy” snaps a publicist might release.
I just want Canada to see a picture of my daughters injustice; of Cassie’s, of our family’s. But who will look? Or better yet, who will see?
And if they glance, they insist that it is something else.
How disconnected from reality have we as people become that we can’t even call it murder when a degenerate killer commits homicide against a pregnant woman and her child? A woman who has chosen to reproduce with all her heart? A baby that is a fully grown human being inside of her mother.
How willfully blind we can be is shameful.
But today, part of me wishes I could be blind too.
Will he protect a woman’s choice when she chooses to become a mother? Will he tell Canada that life needs to be valued and children need to be protected with laws against violent actions committed on them? Will he hold criminals responsible for the reality of their crime?
How about protecting her right to not have a child if she chooses-he will protect that and for that-I thank him
Sue Tucker Choice implies at least two options. Both options should both be protected. In Canada they are not. Would you be willing to sacrifice one woman’s choice for the rest? Or do you think the choice of all woman should be protected?
I sympathize with your story Jeff.
You have been subjected to a unique situation, it seems.
You have every right to campaign for justice and if anyone, JT would be the man that could be an ally to your cause.
In fact, JT’s wife Sophie, is very active representing womens rights. Check her out.
Canadad Canuck I plan on it. Thank you. I hope he will be the man to address this terrible flaw. Molly’s middle name was going to be Grace. They have a daughter with that name too.
Works at Tim Hortons
What about men’s rights?
The Supreme Court of Canada has already ruled that a woman and her fetus are considered “one person.” That means there are no “unborn victims” of crime.
This is simply an evangelical right-wing attempt to sneak “person’s rights” to fetuses in order to eventually make abortion illegal. The Harper era is done. Get over it.
Dave Lapointe No, it is an attempt to get justice for the life of my daughter Molly. It is an attempt to have the reality of the crime commited against my family acknowledged by the criminal justice system. It is an attempt to show the country that a diabloical violent man that caused harm to a pregnant woman can hide behind the laws that are supposed to protect woman’s choice. That means that in this capacity they have failed. They do not protect Cassie and her choice – My daughter.
If that isn’t evidence enough that there is something wrong with them, then you are clearly not looking with the eyes of decency or compassion or logic.
I am not a Harper supporter. I am not a right wing evangelical anything. I am not even particularly religious.
I am a father who lost his daughter to a violent crime that there is not justice for. I am a person who is screaming the obvious – THIS WAS NOT A WOMAN’S CHOICE – and it should not be treated as such.
I am trying to tell you that as long as we do treat it as such – her choice is truly not protected.
You are willing to let one woman’s choice go unprotected for nothing more than an illogical fear that the choice of the many will be taken away…
I don’t understand how you or anyone cannot see the fault in your argument. Cassie chose to have a baby. Less than ten weeks before that baby had any rights in Canada she was killed by a psychotic violent maniac. That maniac is getting away with murder.
You call her a fetus. We called her our daughter. We called her family. Come and look at her bedroom. Come and look into the eyes of her family and then tell me that this “man” should not be charged with murder. Then you can tell us to get over it.
Jeff Durham My body, my choice. Back off man. We fought long and hard for our choices. Leave us alone!
There are unborn victims of crime. My daughter was one of them. If the supreme court said there were no stars in the sky – would that mean there wasn’t? No, it would mean that the supreme court is in denial of reality.
Molly was an unborn victim of crime and the ‘person’ who took her life – the one Cassie chose – will never be held accountable for his horrible action.
Jeff Durham I really do feel for you and your situation. I can’t fathom the hurst and loss you must feel. You lost your wife. Unfortunitely, you did not get to have a daughter. That is the sad truth. You did not have a daughter, therefore no crime was commited against the daughter you did not have. I know this is not what you want to hear, but it is the truth . I am truly sorry for your loss, but I am not willing to give up my right to choose so you can have justice for a daughter you never got to have, if that makes me a monster. I’m sorry.
Leah Brand What about Cassie’s choice? THIS WAS NOT AN ABORTION – WAKE UP! A woman’s choice should only ever be her own! That is what I am saying! WAKE UP! It was not so in this case – and yet as a woman you say ‘do nothing’? WAKE UP!
Jeff Durham Agreed. Choice means either you abort or spawn.
If you don’t want to abort, then breed. If somebody else wants to abort, then shut up and get your head out of their uterus.
Jacques L’Ours Cassie’s choice was clear – Just as clear as the monster who took it away.
It is not right. It is a woman’s choice. No one else’s.
Jeff Durham I think I will name my next bowel movement. You must agree that Turd Boy has to be memorialized. Turd Boy Matters. Sorry I flushed you.
Jeff Durham
In Canada both choices are protected.
You are delusional.
Jeff Durham It seems that some people did not read what you wrote, they just assume you are a religious pro-lifer.
I agree with you that a person that willfuly causes death of an unborn child against mother’s wishes should be responsible for it. If current laws do not criminalize such acts, they should be ammended in that regard. But there must be a way to achieve that without granting personhood to a fetus, because that road leads to the same end result – elimination of a woman’s right to choose.
Jeff Durham , no women are forced to have abortions in Canada and all are entitled to medical care.
A delusion is a belief held with strong conviction despite superior evidence to the contrary…
A woman who chose to bring a life into this world had that baby – that life – taken away. The person accused of this crime will not in any way receive charges for that will reflect that aspect of his crime.
Who is delusional? Is it me? Is it you? Is it our justice system?
This was not an abortion.
Thank you for fighting!! Praying you will have the strength to keep going and that justice will be done.
Regardless of your views of being pro life or pro choice, how could a baby that was wanted and nurtured and even past viability NOT be considered a victim if they are killed. This baby could have been born and survived, how is making her life matter removing choice from anyone who wants to abort their child? Wake up people, by saying this wasn’t a baby doesn’t make it so. I’m positive that anyone who has went through an entire pregnancy cannot argue with the fact that at some point before your child is born, you consider it a baby and plan for it as such.
I’m not sure where the confusion is. Jeff Durham is not asking to remove or affect any laws regarding abortion. Jeff is only after the prosecution of an unborn life within an innocent victim’s womb if they are murdered. This method of charging a murderer for additional victims is common across many states. Again, no connection to abortion at all, no removal of any woman’s choice. Just additional charges to factor for the loss of lives during the unthinkable crime.